Principal Letter 11-10-2020

Dear Ottawa Families,

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we quickly moved to remote learning today and will continue with remote learning through December 4th.  I realize the fast turnaround was not ideal and caused some frustration on many ends, however, I believe in our families, students, and staff, and we always pull through in difficult times.  On behalf of the Ottawa staff, I extend my gratitude and appreciation.

Moving forward with remote learning, I am providing some important information.

  • Students who are already remote learning with their remote-learning teachers will continue as usual.  For our in-person learners, teachers will be sending out specific information to their parents.
  • For tomorrow, Wednesday, November 11, teachers will be uploading assignments to Google Classroom.  For students who do not have internet, teachers will be working to get students access to materials.
  • Starting Thursday, November 12 through December 4, Ottawa and Moccasin will be using a specific K-4 Remote Learning Schedule for in-person learners.  We know many of our families are sharing devices and have limited internet, so we have designed the schedule so that one grade-level at a time will be online at any given time. If you cannot attend the live session times, please make sure you find time to watch the recordings.


For Math:

Kindergarten will be live  8:40-9:20

Grade 1 will be live  9:20-10:00

For Reading:

Kindergarten will be live 12:40-1:20

Grade 1 will be live 1:20-2:00


Preschool classes (Mrs. Holesinger, Mrs. Chase, and Mrs. Monsma) will be posting updates and learning to Class Tag.


For the next 3 days, BCS Food Service will be distributing meals daily at all four schools.  Hours are as follows:

Moccasin Elementary (old front doors on Moccasin Street) 10:30 to 11:30

Ottawa Elementary (South Parking Lot) 11:00 to 12:00

Buchanan Middle School (overhead garage door) 10:30 to 11:30

Buchanan High School (student parking lot) 11:30 to 12:30


We will also have busses delivering food to the following community stops:

Stark School 11:00 to 11:30

Victory Park 11:40 to 12:10

Hills Haven Trailer Park 11:00 to 11:30

Riverside Trailer Park 11:40 to 12:10

If you have children attending different schools, you do not need to go to each school to get their meals.  Just go to whichever place is most convenient for you.  Children do not need to be present to get the food, just tell the worker how many meals you need.


Continued updates will follow from your child’s teacher and myself.  As always, if you have questions or concerns, please reach me by email at 


Stay safe! Go Little Bucks!

Stacey Denison, Principal
