October Message from BCS Superintendent

Click here to view Mrs. Robinson’s Video Message!

BCS Family,

We are finishing our third week of school and we have had a smooth and successful start to our year. I would like to thank our in-person and virtual learners for their engagement and commitment to doing the work and being mentally present during this first month. Our in-person learners are following our safety protocols which include wearing masks, using hand sanitizer, and being socially distanced when possible.  As I visit schools and classrooms, I see students who are keeping their masks on, washing their hands, using hand sanitizers, and distancing themselves which is helping to keep everyone safe and our schools open. 

Below are a few reminders or updates: 

  • We are entering the flu season so continue to practice safe habits both in school and out of school: 
    • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
    • Use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol
    • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
    • Put distance between yourself and other people (at least 6 feet)
    • Wear a mask when around others
    • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash
  • New Executive Order was released on September 25, which updated our mask requirements.
    • October 5th, all students K-12 will be required to wear their masks while in school 
    • 5th-12th grade students already wear masks all-day 
    • K-4 students will transition into this requirement 
    • K-4 students already wear masks while moving in their classrooms, during specials, and while moving throughout the building. This will be a minor adjustment for our K-4 students
    • Mrs. Denison and Dr. Dunn will provide additional guidance for parents
    • Starting Tuesday, October I will have a COVID-19 Dashboard linked to the resource page so you have up to date information on our Coronavirus status
  • Important Dates: 
    • October 7th – Evening Conferences for Buchanan High School only- Additional information will be provided from Mrs. DeMaio, principal
    • October 8th– Afternoon and Evening Conferences for Buchanan High School only- Additional information will be provided from Mrs. DeMaio, principal
    • October 8th– Half-Day for all Buchanan Community Schools Students
    • October 9th– Half-Day for  all Buchanan Community Schools Students and Staff 
    • October 19th– Buchanan Community Schools Board Meeting at 6:00pm


Thank you again BCS Family for all you do for our students and our district.


Educationally Yours,

Trish Robinson, Superintendent

