PAK Minutes – August 2016

PAK Minutes

August 25th, 2016



President: Jennifer Brackett

Vice President: Holly Donnelly

Secretary: David Staggs

Treasure: Stephanie VanKlaverin

Volunteer Coordinators: Tina Blumka and Jaymi Albright

Others: Sondra Staggs, Mark Kurland, Karla Hurlbutt, Lisa Casto





Meeting was called to order at 6:05


  • Treasurer’s report was accepted with a balance of $13,179.95 ( transportation fee from 15-16 not yet deducted from balance.
  • Election of officers: Secretary, Vice President and Volunteer Coordinator were open and filled.
  • Request for $60 from the Pride Committee: Stephanie made a motion to award the $60 and the motion was seconded by Holly.
  • Open House- PAK discussed roll at the Orientation. Stephanie and Jenny assisted in passing out the 5th grade bags. Jenny also will speak to the parents about joining PAK and the activities PAK sponsors.
  • Fundraiser-
  1. Kick off is set for Oct 4th. Fundraising company will do an assembly at the end of the day for the school.
  2. Fundraiser will end on October 19th with delivery expected on November 22.
  3. Volunteers will be needed to assist in counting money and orders,

and setting up once product is delivered to the school.

  1. Parents needed around 12:30 for set up of delivered product.
  • Holiday dance- PAK sponsors the holiday dance on December 16th. Sean Overmyer is confirmed to be the DJ.
  • School Shirts- Karla will look into a new design for school shirts. PAK is looking at the possibility of selling t-shirts, long sleeve, sweatshirts and possibly sweatpants. Would like to sell around Oct.21.


PAK meeting adjourned at 7:15.


Come and join our PAK meetings! Next meeting is September 26th.  Title meeting at 5:30.
