Principal Letter 11-10-2020

Dear Ottawa Families, Thank you for your patience and understanding as we quickly moved to remote learning today and will continue with remote learning through December 4th.  I realize the fast turnaround was not ideal and caused some frustration on many ends, however, I believe in our families, students, and staff, and we always pull through […]

11-2-2020 Board of Education Work Session Minutes

BUCHANAN COMMUNITY SCHOOLS, BERRIEN COUNTY, MICHIGAN                                                                                                                                                    NOVEMBER 2, 2020                       WORK SESSION                                 VIRTUAL MEETING CALL TO ORDER PRESIDENT: Sandy Tobler opened the virtual meeting at 5:35 pm ROLL CALL PHYSICALLY PRESENT: C. Lee, R. Writer, D. Wentworth, J. DeVlaminck, K. Laesch, and S. Tobler VIRTUALLY PRESENT: H. Burnett (arrived at 5:47pm) ABSENT:   […]

#BuckStrong – In This Together

Those interested in making financial contributions to fund PPE at Buchanan Community Schools may visit and choose “#BuckStrong” in the drop down. Donors may also call the foundation office at (269) 695-3521, or mail donations to the office at 111 Days Ave. in Buchanan.

Michigan Department of Treasury – COVID-19 Grant Information for Teachers & Staff

Hi Buck Staff, As you may have heard, there is a COVID-19 Grant offered by the State for teachers and support staff for employees that were employed with BCS during the 2019-20 school closure. Find more information here:,4679,7-121-1751_74806-541670–,00.html If you feel you are eligible to receive the grant, please complete FORM 5734 and turn it into your […]