Community Dialogue Responses

April 18, 2022 Board Meeting Concern regarding the decision changing in a matter of a week to have the high school prom hosted at Serenity Woods Summit. Response: The superintendent was fact-finding from April 5-15, 2022. After contact from an additional legal counsel, it was apparent it would be in the best interest of the […]

Buck Staff Appreciation Winner – April 2022

Buck Staff Appreciation April Nominees: Amanda Horton, BCS Food Service Brittney Gmeiner, Ottawa Early Childhood Special Education Teacher Erica Neal, BHS English Language Arts Teacher Jessica Leenhouts, Ottawa & Moccasin Physical Education Teacher and Interim KidKare Director Katy Kaltenbach, Ottawa ECSE Paraprofessional Kristy Schlutt, Ottawa Paraprofessional Nicole Hughes, BMS 5th Grade Teacher Phil Place, Director […]