10-15-2018 Board Meeting Minutes




CALL TO ORDER President: Dr. Harvey Burnett opened the meeting at 6:00 pm


ROLL CALL PRESENT: C. Lee, K. Laesch, J. DeVlaminck, S. Tobler, D. Wentworth, and H. Burnett ABSENT: R. Writer


  OTHERS PRESENT : Timothy Donahue & Tricia Lowery




MOTION by C. Lee, SECONDED BY Member J. DeVlaminck the agenda for the regular meeting of October 15, 2018 be adopted as written.

VOTE:  C. Lee, K. Laesch, J. DeVlaminck, S. Tobler, D. Wentworth, and H. Burnett NAYS:  None     MOTION ADOPTED




Mr. Jerry Flenar presented Mr. Mark Hollandsworth with a check in the amount of $1500 as a donation to the Buchanan Band Program.  Mr. Flenar acknowledged Mr. Hollandsworth’s work of building the BCS Band in numbers, and accomplishments.  Mr. Flenar also stated that he would like for the gift to go towards raincoats for the Band.  Mr. Hollandsworth expressed his thanks on behalf of the BCS Band students.  Mr. Flenar also presented Mr. Phil Place with a monetary donation of $500 for the Robotics team respectively.  Mr. Place expressed his appreciation for Mr. Flenar’s support.


Other visitors: K. Hurlbutt, Sonia Barlow, Wendy Murphy, Maggie Patnoudes, Cheryl Bauer, Erin Kratky, Mark Kurland, Kyle Pletcher, Melissa Frost, Rachel English, and Shelley Lietz


COMMUNITY DIALOGUE CITIZENS CONCERNS –          Melissa Frost: submitted statements requesting specifics of the budget being discussed from the consent agenda.

–          Wendy Murphy: asked about the projected budget and final budget for the HS office renovations and re-keying of doors.


INFORMATION/REPORTS & NEW BUSINESS Mr. Kyle Pletcher of CPA firm Kruggel Lawton provided the Board with final copies of the 2017-18 audit report.  Mr. Pletcher reviewed key parts of the audit report and solicited any questions from Board members.


Mr. Donahue reviewed our new Buck Staff Recognition program with the Board.  This program encourages all district stakeholders to nominate a staff member or volunteer who goes above and beyond for our kids and our community.  Mr. Donahue also reviewed current district enrollment numbers after the fall count day on October 23rd.  Mr. Donahue also encouraged all staff and community members to vote on November 6th; many changes have happened to public education in the last 8 years.  BCS stakeholders should ensure their voices are heard by voting in the upcoming election.


SUPERINTENDENT/DEPARTMENT REPORTS Updates for BMS, Moccasin, Ottawa, Food Service, Information Technology, Athletic Department & Business/Operations were provided respectfully.


MOTION by D. Wentworth, SECONDED by C. Lee, The Board of Education approves the consent agenda for the regular board meeting of October 15th, 2018 be adopted as written:

1.        Minutes:


2.        Warrants:   September 2018 Expenditures

3.        Recommendations to hire as submitted by High School Principal Mrs. Stacey DeMaio, Moccasin Elementary Principal Mrs. Stacey Denison, and Buchanan Middle Schools Principal Mr. Mark Kurland:

Recommended Employee Title
Miranda Capron At – Risk Interventionist – Buchanan High School
Gina Pellouchoud Intervention Facilitator – Moccasin Elementary
Jennifer Torbet ELA Interventionist – Buchanan Middle School
Tina Nelson Transportation


4.        Extracurricular Updates:

Buchanan Middle School
Name Activity
Stacey Lee Spelling Bee (replacing Chelsie Schmitt)
Shelley Bender Vertical Team Sci. (replacing Chelsie Schmitt)
Angel Whitsel


Pride Council (.5) (replacing Chelsie Schmitt)
Dave Garland


Mentor for Shelley Bender (yr. 1)
Melissa Lyon SI  Team Chair (1) (replaces Kathy McLaughlin)
Jason Kuntz History Club Advisor (.5)
Monica Luke History Club Advisor (.5)
Carissa Todd ELA Dept. Chair (3) ½ time
Moccasin Elementary
Erica Amiel 4th Grade Chair
Robin Staup 2nd Grade Chair
Cindy Bowerman 3rd Grade Chair
Joe Miller Mentor for Heidi Holloway (yr.1)
Brenda Hemphill Mentor for Michelle Horvath (yr.1)
Laura Henckel Mentor for Lisa Gregory (yr.1)
Dawn Van Dyke Mentor for Christine Ewell (yr.1)
Ottawa Elementary
Wendy Murphy Mentor for Amy Beck (yr.2)
Melissa Calvillo Mentor for Christi Mangold (yr.1)
Christi Mangold Vertical Team – Math (kindergarten)


5.        Staff Resignations as submitted:

·          Kathy Hagley – Guidance Administrative Assistant


VOTE:  C. Lee, K. Laesch, J. DeVlaminck, S. Tobler, D. Wentworth, and H. Burnett NAYS:  None     MOTION   ADOPTED




MOTION by J. DeVlaminck, SECONDED by K. Laesch, The Buchanan Board of Education ratifies the letter of agreement between the Buchanan Community Schools and the Buchanan 5-C Educational Association MEA/NEA as presented.  Effective date of the agreement is July 16, 2018 to June 30, 2021.


VOTE:  C. Lee, K. Laesch, J. DeVlaminck, S. Tobler, D. Wentworth, and H. Burnett NAYS:  None     MOTION   ADOPTED


EXTRA-CURRICULAR CLUB RECOMMENDATIONS MOTION BY Member K. Laesch, SECONDED BY Member S. Tobler, The Buchanan Board of Education approves the extra-curricular club requests as follows for the 2018-19 school year:


Club recommendations as submitted by Buchanan High School Principal Stacey DeMaio:

–       Request to add the Prism Club Advisor to the teacher contract under the Class 8 category and that Cindy Swem and Charli Moray are approved to be paid half time each for this role.

–       Request to add High School Quiz Bowl Advisor to the teacher contract paid under the Class 8 category and that Charli Moray is approved to be paid for this role

Club Recommendation as submitted by Buchanan Middle School Principal Mr. Mark Kurland:

–       Request that the Jr. Herd Club is recognized as a paid advisory position under the teacher’s contract, Class 8 category and that Trinity Young is approved to be paid for this role.

VOTE:  C. Lee, K. Laesch, J. DeVlaminck, S. Tobler, D. Wentworth, and H. Burnett NAYS:  None     MOTION   ADOPTED

2019 SPANISH TRIP TO COSTA RICA MOTION BY Member J. DeVlaminck, SECONDED BY Member S. Tobler, The Buchanan Board of Education approves the proposal for overnight/extended student Spanish trip to Costa Rica during the 2019 calendar year; departing June 20, 2019 and returning June 28, 2019 as proposed by Spanish teacher Rachel English.


VOTE:  C. Lee, K. Laesch, J. DeVlaminck, S. Tobler, D. Wentworth, and H. Burnett NAYS:  None     MOTION   ADOPTED


2019 SUMMER TAX RESOLUTION MOTION BY Member J. DeVlaminck, SECONDED BY Member H. Burnett, The Board of Education adopts the following resolution:


WHEREAS, this Board previously adopted a resolution to impose a summer tax levy to


collect 100% of annual school property taxes, including debt service, upon property located within

the District and continuing from year-to-year until specifically revoked by the Board.




1.         The  Board,  pursuant  to  1976  PA  451,  as  amended  (the  Revised  School  Code),

invokes for 2019 its previously adopted ongoing resolution imposing a summer tax levy of all of

annual school property taxes, including debt service, upon property located within the District and

continuing from year-to-year until specifically revoked by the Board and requests that each city

and/or township in which the District is located collect those summer taxes.


2.         The  Superintendent  or  designee  is  authorized  and  directed  to  forward  to  the

governing body of each city and/or township in which the District is located a copy of this Board’s

resolution imposing a summer property tax levy on an ongoing basis and a copy of this resolution

requesting that each such city and/or township agree to collect the summer tax levy for 2019 in the

amount specified in this resolution. Such forwarding of the resolutions and the request to collect

the summer tax levy shall be performed so that they are received by the appropriate governing

bodies before January 1, 2019.


3.         Pursuant to and in accordance with Section 1613(1) of the Revised School Code, the

Superintendent or designee is authorized and directed to negotiate on behalf of the District with

the governing body of each city and/or township in which the District is located for the reasonable

expenses for collection of the District’s summer tax levy that the city and/or township may bill

under MCL 380.1611 or MCL 380.1612. Any such proposed agreement shall be brought before

this Board for its approval or disapproval.


4.         All resolutions and parts of resolutions insofar as they conflict with the provisions

of this resolution be and the same are hereby rescinded.


VOTE:  C. Lee, K. Laesch, J. DeVlaminck, S. Tobler, D. Wentworth, and H. Burnett NAYS:  None     MOTION   ADOPTED


NEXT BOARD MEETING Regular Meeting: November 19th, 6pm @ Buchanan Middle School – Media Center

