Learn More About SchoolMessenger

Thanks for checking out SchoolMessenger. Have questions? We’ve outlined answers to some of the most common questions here.

What is SchoolMessenger?

SchoolMessenger allows you to personalize communications from your school or district into one centralized feed.

How do I sign up for SchoolMessenger?

Signing up is easy. Go to https://go.schoolmessenger.com and click SIGN UP. You must use the email address that the school district has on file for you, and follow these three steps:

  1. Click the LOG IN Button on the top of the page, or Download the SchoolMessenger App from the Apple App Store or Google Play Market.
  2. Enter your email address and create a password. An email will be sent to that address with a secure token.
  3. After authenticating via your email, return to SchoolMessenger and sign in using your email and password.

It’s that easy!

What’s in SchoolMessenger?

Once you’ve created your account, we’ll automatically link the records associated with your email address. You can then:

Is SchoolMessenger secure?

The sign-up process creates a secure link between the user and SchoolMessenger. SchoolMessenger operates with the latest encryption technology to protect access to stored information. SchoolMessenger is also a signatory of the Student Privacy Pledge, which requires us to adhere to 12 stringent data protection standards as a further assurance of our commitment to protecting your data.

What else do I need to know?

Device (Push) Notifications will trigger a badge or alert when you receive new communications from your school or district. You can choose to receive Device Notifications in addition to, or instead of, the phone calls, emails, and text messages you normally receive.

To get started with text messaging, you will need to complete the enrollment process. More information on that can be found here: https://www.buchananschools.com/sms

Page Source: https://go.schoolmessenger.com/#/learn