October Activities at BHS

**October 11 was our PSAT testing day.  All grades tested.

**We celebrated College Week

  • Teachers wore “Ask Me” buttons to encourage students to ask questions about the different teachers’ college experiences.
  • Interested seniors took a field trip to SMC to tour campus and visit with admissions and instructors.
  • We hosted a “Paying for College” night in our media center. Over 25 parents showed up to learn about The Promise scholarship and a representative from LMC and SMC were on hand to help parents and students fill out the FAFSA.
  • Teachers wore their college attire and took selfies next to their college door signs that will be sent to the state organization to show our participation.


**Conferences were pretty successful this fall

  • We hold conferences earlier than most schools to be able to make a connection with parents before students get too far behind. It has been very successful thus far.
  • We used an “expo” format where all teachers were in the aux gym, and available with their technology and student work to give parents timely feedback.
  • We showcased the many clubs and extra-curricular opportunities that BHS has to offer.
  • A station was set up for parents who are not signed up for PowerSchool to sit with a PS professional (Mrs. Cornwell) and learn how to check grades, look at attendance and see the student announcements. She also showed parents how to navigate to the school website and find individual teacher websites.
  • Robotics gave popcorn away to visitors and our group to Peru had a successful bake sale.
  • Four mobile computer stations were located around the gym for parents to complete a survey for school improvement purposes.
  • We received lots of positive feedback from parents, who like the new format and were happy to move away from using the entire building.


**SADD/Red Ribbon Week was also celebrated this month.  Each morning a SADD representative made a public service announcement over the PA.  All students were invited to participate in Wear RED day on Thursday.


**In support of Mr. Froelich, all staff and students were invited to participate in a “Dress like Mr. Froelich Day” on Friday, Nov 3.  Student Council volunteers went to each classroom and collected donations for the family.  Staff spent the second half of our half day volunteering to “winterize” the Froelich’s yard.


**Personal Finance classes were visited by the Market Manager of Honor Credit Union.  His focus of presentation was on banking, savings, checking accounts, etc.


**Our Band competed at Jenison and Rockford this month and did so well, were able to compete at the state level.  Students traveled to Ford Field in Detroit to compete for the State level championship. We wished them luck and showed our support with an impromptu pep assembly.  They returned with a 9th place win! Go Bucks!!
