Books for Bikes

The Buchanan Middle School, in cooperation with the Local Masonic Lodge is sponsoring a new program to encourage our students in grades five through seven to read. This program is called, BIKES FOR BOOKS!  The program requirements are simple; read five “grade appropriate” books approved by an ELA or grade level teacher from January 27th through April 10th. On April 14th, we will hold a school assembly to acknowledge all the students who participated and announce the winners. Each grade level will win one bike for a female student and one bike for a male student.

Students will be asked to keep track of each title on the entry form and have their teacher initial the book for approval. At the conclusion of reading five books the student will return the entry form to the Media Center. Ms. Young, our media specialist or Mrs. Hurlbutt, will then ask the student two questions about each book. Upon completion of answering the questions the student’s entry form will be collected and entered into a drawing for a bike and gift certificate for accessories (helmet).

In addition to the bike entry each student will also receive a raffle ticket for each book they read. This raffle ticket will be placed in a drawing for a free book from our Scholastic book Fair.

Reading is one of the most important tools we can give our children!

This program is a mutual commitment between the student, teacher, principal, the Lodge, and especially you, the parent. If we work together, we are all winners!

On the back of this letter is a copy of the entry form that will be completed by the student, parent and teacher. Your child may pick up their copy in the Media Center or print one from our school website. Please encourage your child to participate! Start Now, Don’t delay!


DownloadDownload the Entry Form
