6-17-2019 Board of Education Meeting Minutes



JUNE 17, 2019                  REGULAR MEETING        BUCHANAN MIDDLE SCHOOL


Board President Harvey Burnett opened the budget hearing at 5:37pm.  Executive Director of Business & Operations, Tricia Lowery explained the budget document and informed that the pre-audit will begin June 27th and that the auditors are expected to return in August and September of 2019.  The Board will review at the October meeting so that it may be submitted to the state of Michigan by November.  Mrs. Lowery informed that most of 2018-19 budget rolled over to 2019-20’s budget.  She explained her forecasting and concerns of decrease in student count.  The meeting moved to public responses.

Members of the community asked: “What are cuts?”  Mrs. Lowery responded that basic programming at all grade levels, wages, FICA, and supplies are being reviewed.  Superintendent Donahue clarified with an example of a retirement at the high school which could impact the budget.  Conversations emerged regarding the budget, funding accounts, and how funds are allocated.  Superintendent Donahue and Mrs. Lowery explained the differences.  Wendy Murphy asked: “Why are administrative costs going up and student and teacher programming going down?” Superintendent Donahue expressed the shifts in administration, providing the example of the recently hired CTE Director and Special Education Director.  Members of the community questioned the increase in 2018-19 operations cost of $123,000.  Conversations emerged regarding obtaining a response for the question posed.  Mrs. Lowery explained utilities hike due to winter care and other itemized details that are recorded.  The Board agreed that a follow up email response would be provided to Mr. Martin in response to this question.  Board Trustee Dennis Wentworth provided that this is just the projected budget.  It will constantly be amended during the course of a year.  President Burnett closed the hearing at 6:00pm.


PRESIDENT: Dr. Harvey Burnett opened the meeting at 6:03 pm


ROLL CALL PRESENT: C. Lee, D. Wentworth, K. Laesch, R. Writer, J. DeVlaminck, and H. Burnett

ABSENT:   S. Tobler


  OTHERS PRESENT : Timothy Donahue, Daryl Miller, Mark Kurland, and Karla Hurlbutt,




MOTION by J. DeVlaminck, SECONDED BY Member R. Writer the agenda for the regular meeting of June 17, 2019 be adopted as written.

ROLL CALL VOTE:  C. Lee, D. Wentworth, K. Laesch, R. Writer, J. DeVlaminck, and H. Burnett NAYS:  None     MOTION ADOPTED




R. Martin, M. Roberts, W. Murphy, M. Calvillo, M. Seddon, C. Shinn, K. Berry, S. Carlin, D. Miller, T. Herrman, C. Martin, B. Martin, K. Rettig, J. Krueger, T. Austin, S. Abrahamson, K. Lolmaugh, T. Fox, C. Thompson, A. Cowart, J. Howell, K. DeMaio, M. Frey, S. Desenberg, H. Desenberg, P. Wentworth, R. Habicht, S. Staggs.


INFORMATION/REPORTS & NEW BUSINESS Superintendent Donahue introduced Mr. Rob Habicht of the Community Gateway Foundation.  Mr. Habicht provided detailed updates of the Promise Scholarship season.  He stated that within 3 years, nearly half of Buchanan graduates attend either Southwestern Michigan College or Lake Michigan College.  Mr. Habicht also provided that one of the goals of the Promise is successful completion of post-secondary schooling.  He provided information and feedback concerning the Kick Start to Career program.  This program is geared toward Kindergarten students being provided with savings accounts.  Mr. Habicht clarified questions concerning Promise appeals and YAC – Youth Advisory Committee for grants.  He also provided that Chemical Bank holds the savings accounts for the Kick Start Career program.




–          Superintendent Donahue announced the finalist candidate selected for Buchanan Middle School Principal.  He also provided information about PAC (Parent Advisory Committee), stating that there are approximately 40 parents that have signed up to date.


–          Board updates from BHS, BMS, Moccasin, Ottawa, Director of Academics, Business Office & Operations, Food service, Technology, Transportation, and Athletics were provided respectfully.


COMMUNITY DIALOGUE CITIZENS CONCERNS –          S. Carlin: Inquired for an update regarding a Superintendent survey and provided her deadline date of June 30th.  The Board responded that they are working towards the goal of a Superintendent survey.






MOTION by R. Writer, SECONDED by C. Lee, The Board of Education approves the consent agenda for the regular board meeting of June 17, 2019 be adopted as written:

1.        Minutes:

06-04-2019 Regular Meeting Minutes


Staff retirements as submitted:

·   Kim Calkins – Food Service, Kitchen Manager, 27 years of dedication and service.

·   Dan Holloway – Buchanan High School, Science Teacher, 20 years of dedication and service.


2.        Staff resignation as submitted:

Mrs. Kali Martin – 7th grade Social Studies Teacher


3.        Recommendations to hire as submitted by Buchanan Middle School Principal, Mr. Mark Kurland, Executive Director of Academics, Mrs. Karla Hurlbutt, and Superintendent, Mr. Timothy Donahue:


Recommended Employee Title
David Staggs Summer School Teacher – MS Social Studies & ELA
Sondra Staggs Summer School Teacher – MS Math & Science
Melissa Seddon Summer School Teacher – Elementary
Mark Frey Buchanan Virtual Academy & Career Technical Education Administrator


Superintendent Donahue explained the hiring committee and provided the selection process regarding Mr. Mark Frey. He encouraged all to welcome Mr. Frey on-board.


ROLL CALL VOTE:  C. Lee, D. Wentworth, K. Laesch, R. Writer, J. DeVlaminck, and H. Burnett NAYS:  None     MOTION  ADOPTED


BUCHANAN VIRTUAL ACADEMY GRADUATION CERTIFICATION Motion By D. Wentworth, Seconded By R. Writer, upon satisfactory completion of district requirements for high school graduation, the Board of Education hereby approves Buchanan Virtual Academy Student:


–          April Jones

To be certified for graduation.


ROLL CALL VOTE:  C. Lee, D. Wentworth, K. Laesch, R. Writer, J. DeVlaminck, and H. Burnett NAYS:  None     MOTION  ADOPTED




Motion By J. DeVlaminck, Seconded By K. Laesch, the Buchanan Board of Education, in accordance with the general appropriations act, adopts the Buchanan Community Schools’ budget for the fiscal year 2018-19 amended as presented and the 2019-20 budget appropriation.  Said documents to be entered into the minutes of this meeting and to take immediate effect.


ROLL CALL VOTE:  C. Lee, D. Wentworth, K. Laesch, R. Writer, J. DeVlaminck, and H. Burnett NAYS:  None     MOTION  ADOPTED


FACILITIES COMMITTEE Motion By R. Writer, Seconded By D. Wentworth, The Buchanan Board of Education resolves to establish an ad hoc committee to continue our facility study and planning work for the school district. The proposed committee members are to be named.


Superintendent Donahue addressed building updates that should be made and the importance of developing a committee.  Writer discussed that there were three Board members that had participated on a similar committee prior to 2010.  It was agreed that the Board and Superintendent will reach out to former members so that they may have more historical information in consideration of building improvements.


ROLL CALL VOTE:  C. Lee, D. Wentworth, K. Laesch, R. Writer, J. DeVlaminck, and H. Burnett NAYS:  None     MOTION  ADOPTED


BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING CALENDAR MODIFICATION Motion By K. Laesch, Seconded By R. Writer, The Buchanan Board of Education resolves to change the meeting location for monthly Board meetings from July to December, 2019 to the auditorium of the BHS building. The Board further resolves to hold quarterly community dialogue/work sessions wherein members of the community, staff, parents or other stakeholders can register to meet with the Board and discuss topics related to their interests about Buchanan Community Schools. The Board further resolves to set the first two dates for these community dialogue/work sessions for the dates and times described below:


Thursday, August 8th at 6:30pm                 Gardner School


Thursday, November 14th at 6:30pm       Ottawa Elementary School


ROLL CALL VOTE:  C. Lee, D. Wentworth, K. Laesch, R. Writer, J. DeVlaminck, and H. Burnett NAYS:  None     MOTION  ADOPTED


ADMINISTRATIVE CONTRACT AND ADMINISTRATOR CONTRACT RENEWALS Motion By J. DeVlaminck, Seconded By K. Laesch, The Buchanan Board of Education approves an annual contract for:


–     Mr. Mark Frey, Buchanan Virtual Academy and Career Technology Education Administrator


And renewal of two (2) year contracts effective July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2021 for the following:


–   Executive Director of Business & Operations, Tricia Lowery

–   Athletic Director, Lonnie Hoover

–    High School Principal, Stacey DeMaio

–    High School Assistant Principal, Brian Pruett

–   Moccasin Elementary Principal, Stacey Denison


ROLL CALL VOTE:  C. Lee, D. Wentworth, K. Laesch, R. Writer, J. DeVlaminck, and H. Burnett NAYS:  None     MOTION  ADOPTED


RECOMMENDATION TO PURCHASE 2019 FORD CARGO VAN FOR FOOD SERVICE Motion By R. Writer, Seconded By K. Laesch, The Buchanan Board of Education approves the recommendation as submitted by the Executive Director of Business Services, Mrs. Tricia Lowery, to purchase a 2019 Ford cargo van from Campbell Ford in the amount of $23,172.00 for food service.


Tim explained that the food service fund is separate from general fund and building & capital funding.  We are required to spend down the food service account to meet state requirements.


ROLL CALL VOTE:  C. Lee, D. Wentworth, K. Laesch, R. Writer, J. DeVlaminck, and H. Burnett NAYS:  None     MOTION  ADOPTED


CLOSED SESSION – TEACHER NEGOTIATIONS Motion By J. DeVlaminck, Seconded By C. Lee, The Buchanan Board of Education pursuant to Board bylaw 0167.2,c.,the Board of Education move into closed session to discuss teacher contract negotiations.


ROLL CALL VOTE:  C. Lee, D. Wentworth, K. Laesch, R. Writer, J. DeVlaminck, and H. Burnett NAYS:  None     MOTION  ADOPTED


OPEN SESSION Motion By D. Wentworth, Seconded By R. Writer, The Buchanan Board of Education returns to open session.


ROLL CALL VOTE:  C. Lee, D. Wentworth, K. Laesch, R. Writer, J. DeVlaminck, and H. Burnett NAYS:  None     MOTION  ADOPTED


QUESTIONS & COMMENTS FROM BOARD MEMBERS Trustee Kelly Laesch commented that she has noticed that the Memorial Field restrooms by the football field has been repaired.  She also provided acknowledgement to how amazing Coach Frey is with respect to training with the football team; she asked all to follow Coach Frey on Twitter.  Board Vice President Ruth Writer thanked all involved in the Buchanan Virtual Academy graduation ceremony.  She commented that the Honors Convocation was quick and easy.  She informed all that the City of Buchanan passed a non-discrimination ordinance.  Mrs. Writer also provided that Buck Teens event was a success and bid well wishes to students and faculty traveling to Costa Rica.



Monday, July 15th, 6pm @ Buchanan High School

