12-19-2016 Board Minutes



DECEMBER 19, 2016                        REGULAR MEETING                        BUCHANAN HIGH SCHOOL


CALL TO ORDER President, Dr. Harvey Burnett opened the meeting at 6:00 pm


ROLL CALL PRESENT: K. Laesch, R. Writer, J. DeVlaminck, D. Wentworth, S. Tobler & H. Burnett
  ABSENT: L. Miller


  OTHERS PRESENT : Dr. Andrea van der Laan & Tricia Lowery




MOTION BY Member J. DeVlaminck, SECONDED BY Member S. Tobler the agenda for the regular meeting of December 19th, 2016 be adopted as written.  ROLL CALL VOTE:  K. Laesch, R. Writer, J. DeVlaminck, D. Wentworth, S. Tobler & H. Burnett NAYS:  None     MOTION  ADOPTED




Robotics Club, Phil Place, Wayne Writer, Stacey DeMaio, Mark Kurland, Chris Lee, Sharon Steinke, Todd Hogue, Lonnie Hoover, Fran Terry, Jerry Flennar, Brian Pruett






–          Athletic Director, Lonnie Hoover provided a BCS & SAC update.

–          Robotics students provided video presentation of season 2016, history and cost.



Principal, Mr. Mark Kurland provided FOCUS School Report.


MOTION BY Member S. Tobler, SECONDED BY Member D. Wentworth, The minutes of the regular meeting of November 14th and Special Work-session of November 17, 2016 be adopted as written.   ROLL CALL VOTE: K. Laesch, R. Writer, J. DeVlaminck, D. Wentworth, S. Tobler & H. Burnett NAYS:  None     MOTION  ADOPTED




MOTION by J. DeVlaminck, SECONDED by H. Burnett, The Board of Education approve the payment of payroll of $1,080,326.45 and the payment of expenditures of $500,844.46 for invoices from the General Fund and the payment of payroll of $20,188.24 and the payment of expenditures of $98,786.65 for invoices from the School Service Fund.  ROLL CALL VOTE: K. Laesch, R. Writer, J. DeVlaminck, D. Wentworth, S. Tobler & H. Burnett NAYS:  None     MOTION  ADOPTED


CERTIFIED STAFF PATERNITY LEAVE MOTION BY Member J. DeVlaminck, SECONDED BY Member S. Tobler, The Buchanan Board of Education grants paternity leave to Mr. Christopher Froelich, Buchanan High School – Wellness, Life Fitness and Seminar teacher, from approximately January 9, 2017 (barring any complications) and returning January 30, 2017, in accordance with article XI, section B.2.D. using all accumulated sick days with any remaining days to be unpaid according to the Family Medical Leave Act.  ROLL CALL VOTE: K. Laesch, R. Writer, J. DeVlaminck, D. Wentworth, S. Tobler & H. Burnett NAYS:  None     MOTION  ADOPTED
BOARD POLICIES – FIRST READING MOTION BY Member H. Burnett, SECONDED BY Member S. Tobler, The Buchanan Board of Education approves the first reading of the following revised policies:

Policies/Administration Description
P 5460 Graduation Requirements
A 1100 District Organization
A 1110 Assessment of District Goals
A 1111 Control Responsibility


ROLL CALL VOTE: K. Laesch, R. Writer, J. DeVlaminck, D. Wentworth, S. Tobler & H. Burnett NAYS:  None     MOTION  ADOPTED




MOTION BY Member S. Tobler, SECONDED BY Member K. Laesch, The Buchanan Board of Education approves the second reading of the following New, deleted and/or revised policies:

Bylaws & Policies Description
Bylaw 0100 Definitions
P 7540 Technology (Revised)
P 7540.01V1 Technology Privacy (Revised)
P 7540. 02 Web Content, Services & Apps (Revised)
P 1619/ 3419/ 4419 Group Health Plans (New/ Replacement)
P 1619.02/ 3419.02/ 4419.02 Privacy Protections of Fully Insured Group Health plans (Revised)
P 1619.03/ 3419.03/ 4419.03 Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (New)
P 2628 State Aid Incentives
P 3142 Probationary Teachers
P 3420/ 4420 Heath Insurance Benefit (Delete)
P 5830 Student Fund-Raising (Revised)
P 6424 Purchasing Card (Revised)
P 6605 Crowfunding (New)
P 8321 Criminal Justice Information Security (Non-Criminal Justice Agency) (Revised)
P 9700 Relations with Special Interest Groups (Revised)


ROLL CALL VOTE: K. Laesch, R. Writer, J. DeVlaminck, D. Wentworth, S. Tobler & H. Burnett NAYS:  None     MOTION  ADOPTED




MOTION BY Member D. Wentworth, SECONDED BY Member R. Writer, The Buchanan Board of Education accepts the resignation of Brandi Zoll, Middle School Interventionist.  The Board would like to thank Brandi for her dedication and service to the Buchanan Community Schools.  We wish Ms. Zoll the best in future endeavors.   ROLL CALL VOTE: K. Laesch, R. Writer, J. DeVlaminck, D. Wentworth, S. Tobler & H. Burnett NAYS:  None     MOTION  ADOPTED


MOTION BY Member K. Laesch, SECONDED BY Member J. DeVlaminck, The Buchanan Board of Education approves the recommendation as submitted by Athletic Director, Mr. Lonnie Hoover, to appoint the below listed varsity Wrestling Coach for the 2016-17 school year at the listed step and class:

Coach Position Step Class
Andy Riggs Varsity Wrestling Coach 4 2

ROLL CALL VOTE: K. Laesch, R. Writer, J. DeVlaminck, D. Wentworth, S. Tobler & H. Burnett NAYS:  None     MOTION  ADOPTED



MOTION BY Member S. Tobler, SECONDED BY Member K. Laesch, The Buchanan Board of Education move into closed session (6:40 pm) at the parents request for hearing on student discipline.  ROLL CALL VOTE: K. Laesch, R. Writer, J. DeVlaminck, D. Wentworth, S. Tobler & H. Burnett NAYS:  None     MOTION  ADOPTED




MOTION BY Member S. Tobler, SECONDED BY Member D. Wentworth, The Buchanan Board of Education returns to open session (7:07 pm).   ROLL CALL VOTE: K. Laesch, R. Writer, J. DeVlaminck, D. Wentworth, S. Tobler & H. Burnett NAYS:  None     MOTION  ADOPTED


STUDENT DISCIPLINE BOARD DECISION MOTION BY Member H. Burnett, SECONDED BY Member R. Writer, The Buchanan Board of Education adopt the following resolution:


WHEREAS, the administration has presented to the Board of Education, a recommendation concerning the expulsion of a student who was in violation of Buchanan School Board Policy #5530 on December 13, 2016; and


WHEREAS, the administration has notified the student and parent(s) involved of the accusations against the student, the recommendation of expulsion, and their rights to a hearing on this date;




The Buchanan Board of Education hereby expels student #518845 from attendance in the Buchanan Community Schools effective immediately for the remainder of the 2016-17 School year with the following conditions to be met for possible reinstatement to Buchanan High School in the first semester of the 2017-18 school year:


1)       Through the remainder of the 2016-17 school year, student #518845 must successfully complete a semester of classes while attending BVA, the Step Up Program or another alternative setting.

2)       The student must attend six sessions of counseling with an outside professional counselor (responsibility of parent/guardian) and obtain a release to report back to school from the counselor prior to the re-admittance meeting with the Superintendent of the Buchanan Community Schools.

3)       Upon the completion of the first two steps the student and parents/guardians must contact the Superintendent of Buchanan Community Schools to schedule a re-admittance meeting back into Buchanan Community Schools.

4)       Any recommendation will be reviewed by the Buchanan School Board before a decision to reinstate student #518845 will be made.


ROLL CALL VOTE: K. Laesch, R. Writer, J. DeVlaminck, D. Wentworth, S. Tobler & H. Burnett NAYS:  None     MOTION  ADOPTED


QUESTIONS & COMMENTS FROM BOARD MEMBERS Briefly discussed school e-mail


NEXT BOARD MEETING Reorganizational Meeting:  January 9th, 2017, at 6pm – High School Boardroom