11-18-2019 Board of Education Meeting Minutes



 NOVEMBER 18, 2019                    REGULAR MEETING        BUCHANAN HIGH SCHOOL


CALL TO ORDER PRESIDENT: H. Burnett opened the meeting at 6:00 pm


ROLL CALL PRESENT: C. Lee, D. Wentworth, K. Laesch, R. Writer, J. DeVlaminck, S. Tobler and H. Burnett

ABSENT:   None.


  OTHERS PRESENT : Timothy Donahue




MOTION by S. Tobler, SECONDED BY Member R. Writer the agenda for the regular meeting of November 18th, 2019 be adopted as written.


ROLL CALL VOTE:  C. Lee, D. Wentworth, K. Laesch, R. Writer, J. DeVlaminck, S. Tobler and H. Burnett.     NAYS:  None     MOTION  ADOPTED




J. Flenar, L. Flenar, C. Franklin, W. Writer, M. Capron, D. Capron, J. Legault, C. Lietz, K. Mills, L. Miller, L. Miller, K. Lolmaugh, C. Lolmaugh, D. Miller, R. Martin, C. Martin, T. Herrman, S. Herrman, C. Bowerman, K. Berry, R. English, K. Rettig, T. Austin, M. Cole, E. Kratky, A. Whitsel, W. Murphy, T. Mabry, J. Riggs, N. Kaltenbach, S. Nowlin, L. Martin.






–          Buck Staff Appreciation November winner: Miranda Capron. Mr. Donahue recognized Mrs. Capron as this month’s winner. Principal Stacey DeMaio nominated Mrs. Capron for her positive demeanor, attitude and sense of humor and stated that she pours her heart into her job and our students. Assistant Principal Mr. Brian Pruett nominated Mrs. Capron, thanking her for her amazing ability to work with and create relationships with students, parents and staff.  Mrs. Capron received a certificate and a gift to show our appreciation for her extra efforts for her students.


–         Board Updates for BHS, BMS, Moccasin, Ottawa, CTE/BVA, Executive Director of Academics, Business Office, Operations, Food Service, Information Technology, Transportation and Athletics were provided respectfully.


–          Craig Miller on behalf of the City of Buchanan Water Department presented two models to BCS to utilize in the classroom to teach about pollution. BMS Science Teacher, Angel Whitsel, accepted the generous gift on behalf of BCS.


–          Jerry Flenar, Buchanan’s former School Board President, spoke to the Board on behalf of the Michigan Gateway Community Foundation. Mr. Flenar recognizes communication issues between the Board and the community and wanted to recommend the hiring of Dr. Lindley to bridge the gap. The foundation would pay for all costs associated to put together a plan for the citizens, parents, staff, tax payers, and students to communicate. Mr. Flenar, while opposed to the previous recall efforts, would like to see communication get back on track. Mr. Flenar gave a deadline for a response from the Board by Friday, 11-22-2019 by 6:00pm. Mrs. Writer asked if the Board would be included in the meetings with Dr. Lindley to which Mr. Flenar responded yes.


–          Collective Commitments: Mr. Donahue reviewed with the Board the values each building will uphold. He thanked the Principals for their hard work in putting these together. Mr. Donahue expressed interest in also doing this with the Board, asking the Board in the future to work on their Collective Commitments.


COMMUNITY DIALOGUE CITIZENS CONCERNS –          Serynn Nowlin, Junior at BHS, addressed the Board with concerns of disconnect between teachers, community members and the Board of Education. She mentioned the School Board and Superintendent needing to value teachers more instead of being neglectful.


–          Kadin Mills, Senior at BHS, informed the Board of the foundation created by him and Serynn called the SCSR, mentioning how reform is necessary for the good of the student body.


–          Julie Legault raised concern to the Board about why the American Flag on the football field was still up without a light shining on it.


–          Cole Martin addressed the Board with meeting format concerns, stating that the Board’s meeting format was not in compliance with Michigan Open Meetings Act handbook guidelines.






MOTION by R. Writer, SECONDED by C. Lee, The Board of Education approves the consent agenda for the regular board meeting of November 18th, 2019 be adopted as written:



1.     Minutes:

10-15-19 Special Meeting

10-21-19 Regular Meeting


2.     Warrants:

Expenditure Reports & Payroll – October


3.     Recommendations to Hire as submitted by Ottawa Principal, Mrs. Stacey Dennison:


Recommended Employee Title
Elizabeth Bradley Ottawa / Moccasin Parent Liaison


4.     Recommendations for Parent Representatives to the Berrien RESA Parent Advisory Council as submitted by the District Special Education Director, Mrs. Karin Falkenstein:

Dina Manderson – Child: Blossomland MoCi


5.     Staff Resignations as submitted:

Brittany Mohney, Moccasin Speech Pathologist


6.     Coaching Recommendations from Athletic Director, Mr. Lonnie Hoover:


Coach Position Step Class/Level CAP
Chris Seddon MS Football (1/2) 1 7 none
Doug Freeman MS Boys Basketball 7th Grade 1 7 none


ROLL CALL VOTE:  C. Lee, D. Wentworth, K. Laesch, R. Writer, J. DeVlaminck, S. Tobler and H. Burnett.     NAYS:  None     MOTION  ADOPTED





Motion By J. DeVlaminck, Seconded By S. Tobler, The Board of Education adopts the following resolution:


WHEREAS, this Board previously adopted a resolution to impose a summer tax levy to collect 100% of annual school property taxes, including debt service, upon property located within the District and continuing from year-to-year until specifically revoked by the Board.




1.  The  Board,  pursuant  to  1976  PA  451,  as  amended  (the  Revised  School  Code), invokes for 2020 its previously adopted ongoing resolution imposing a summer tax levy of all of annual school property taxes, including debt service, upon property located within the District and continuing from year-to-year until specifically revoked by the Board and requests that each city and/or township in which the District is located collect those summer taxes.


2.  The  Superintendent  or  designee  is  authorized  and  directed  to  forward  to  the

governing body of each city and/or township in which the District is located a copy of this Board’s resolution imposing a summer property tax levy on an ongoing basis and a copy of this resolution requesting that each such city and/or township agree to collect the summer tax levy for 2020 in the amount specified in this resolution. Such forwarding of the resolutions and the request to collect the summer tax levy shall be performed so that they are received by the appropriate governing bodies before January 1, 2020.


3.  Pursuant to and in accordance with Section 1613(1) of the Revised School Code, the Superintendent or designee is authorized and directed to negotiate on behalf of the District with the governing body of each city and/or township in which the District is located for the reasonable expenses for collection of the District’s summer tax levy that the city and/or township may bill under MCL 380.1611 or MCL 380.1612. Any such proposed agreement shall be brought before this Board for its approval or disapproval.


4.  All resolutions and parts of resolutions insofar as they conflict with the provisions of this resolution be and the same are hereby rescinded.



ROLL CALL VOTE:  C. Lee, D. Wentworth, K. Laesch, R. Writer, J. DeVlaminck, S. Tobler and H. Burnett.     NAYS:  None     MOTION  ADOPTED




Motion By R. Writer, Seconded By S. Tobler, The Board of Education approves the attached farm land lease agreement with Shane Masten for the rental of land at the school farm for a three (3) year period ending November 30th, 2022. The President and Secretary are hereby authorized to sign the agreement on behalf of the Board.


ROLL CALL VOTE:  C. Lee, D. Wentworth, K. Laesch, R. Writer, J. DeVlaminck, S. Tobler and H. Burnett.     NAYS:  None     MOTION  ADOPTED


QUESTIONS & COMMENTS FROM BOARD MEMBERS –          Mrs. Laesch commented that the flag has just been removed from the football field. She thanked BMS and Honor Credit Union for the shirts the Board was given. She also thanked the Buchanan Graduates for arranging a great presentation given by the Code Talker.


–          Mrs. Writer thanked Mr. Miller from the City of Buchanan Water Department for their generous donation of the models to BCS. She also thanked Mr. Mark Kurland for including her in the Vertical Team meetings.


–          Mr. Wentworth commented that the Policy Committee will be looking into the time limits in current board policy.


DIALOGUE AND INPUT SESSION FOR STRATEGIC PLANNING Mr. Mark Dobias, of MASB, dialogued with the Board members as the initial step in the Strategic Planning process. He solicited board members’ input on the district’s current strengths/successes, areas for improvement, barriers to implementing needed changes, and ideas for the vision of Buchanan Community Schools in 5 to 10 years. Mr. Dobias also explained the process going forward, with stakeholder interest groups happening in the district on Tuesday, November 19th, followed with a full day retreat currently scheduled for January 20th, 2019.
NEXT REGULAR BOARD MEETING Monday, December 16th, 6pm @ Buchanan High School


