11-16-2020 Board of Education Meeting Minutes



NOVEMBER 16, 2020                                     REGULAR MEETING                        VIRTUAL MEETING


CALL TO ORDER PRESIDENT: Sandy Tobler opened the virtual meeting at 6:01 pm
ROLL CALL PHYSICALLY PRESENT: D. Wentworth, K. Laesch, and S. Tobler

VIRTUALLY PRESENT: C. Lee, H. Burnett, R. Writer, J. DeVlaminck (arrived at 6:04pm)

ABSENT:   none

  OTHERS PHYSICALLY PRESENT: Superintendent Trish Robinson

OTHERS VIRTUALLY PRESENT: Mark Kurland, Phil Place, Tricia Lowery, Karin Falkenstein, Daryl Miller, Mark Frey



MOTION by R. Writer, SECONDED BY Member C. Lee the agenda for the board meeting of November 16, 2020 be adopted as written.


ROLL CALL VOTE:  C. Lee, H. Burnett, R. Writer, D. Wentworth, K. Laesch, and S. Tobler




Mrs. Tobler welcomed all those watching online.


Buck Staff Recognition November Winner: Brian Pruett, Assistant Principal at Buchanan High School. Board Secretary Mrs. Laesch recognized Mr. Pruett as this month’s winner. Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Mark Kurland, nominated Mr. Pruett for all the added hours of COVID tracing that he has been doing. He appreciates the extra effort to keep our students and staff safe.


Nominees included:

– Al Berget, BCS Maintenance
– Angie Smith, BCS Food Service
– Becky Adkerson, BHS Teacher
– Beka Wiersma, Moccasin Teacher
– Bobby Cauffman, BCS Operations Utility Staff
– Brandon Flowers, BHS Counselor
– Brianna Curtis, BCS Operations Utility Staff
– Chad VanBeek, BCS Maintenance
– Chris Froelich, BHS Teacher
– Cody Cauffman, Operations Utility Staff
– Dawn Spielman, Operations Utility Staff
– Dawn Van Dyke, Ottawa Teacher
– Judy Harman, BCS Operations Utility Staff
– Larry Kline, BCS Operations Utility Staff
– Michelle Trail, BCS Operations Utility Staff
– Missy Lyon, BMS Teacher
– Sandi Summers, BCS Operations Utility Staff
– Sandy Cheney, BCS Operations Utility Staff
– Sophia Williams, BCS Operations Utility Supervisor
– Trinity Young, BMS Media Assistant


Updates for BHS, BMS, Moccasin, Ottawa, Athletics/CTE/BVA, Special Education, Business Office, Operations, Food Service, Information Technology, and Assistant Superintendent were provided respectively.

CLOSED SESSION MOTION by K. Laesch, SECONDED by S. Tobler, The Buchanan Board of Education moves into closed session for a student appeal hearing for student 601429. Time: 6:09pm


ROLL CALL VOTE:  C. Lee, H. Burnett, R. Writer, D. Wentworth, J. DeVlaminck, K. Laesch, and S. Tobler


RETURN TO OPEN SESSION MOTION by S. Tobler, SECONDED by D. Wentworth, The Board of Education resolves to return to open session. Time: 6:44pm


ROLL CALL VOTE:  C. Lee, H. Burnett, R. Writer, D. Wentworth, J. DeVlaminck, K. Laesch, and S. Tobler


STUDENT 601429 APPEAL RESOLUTION MOTION by S. Tobler, SECONDED by R. Writer, The Buchanan Board of Education upholds the decision of the Buchanan Athletic Department Committee and Superintendent to continue suspension until 2-21-2021.


ROLL CALL VOTE:  C. Lee, H. Burnett, R. Writer, D. Wentworth, J. DeVlaminck, K. Laesch, and S. Tobler


PRESENTATIONS School Highlight – BCS Special Education Supervisor, Karin Falkenstein presented to the board. She informed the board of the special education process. She spoke of special education laws. She discussed the six primary areas in special education. She informed the board about how children are referred for special education and the difficulties brought with COVID. Karin spoke about all the BCS special education staff and what they do for the district.


Executive Team Updates – Superintendent Robinson and the Executive Team provided their updates respectively. Mrs. Robinson is working on configuring an implementation process of our strategic plan.


Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan – Assistant Superintendent, Mark Kurland reviewed BCS extended COVID learning plan and the items required by the state. He advised the types of things we’re doing to support students, small groups, 1:1 virtual learning, etc. Mr. Kurland mentioned for community members to call in if they had any questions/input. Board members asked perspective questions.



MOTION by D. Wentworth, SECONDED by K. Laesch, The Board of Education approves the consent agenda for the regular board meeting of November 16th, 2020 be adopted as written:


  1. Minutes:

10-19-20 Regular Meeting

11-2-20 Work Session


2. Warrants:

Expenditure Reports & Payroll – October


3. Recommendations to Hire as submitted by:

BHS Principal, Mrs. Stacey DeMaio

BCS Operations Supervisor, Mr. Daryl Miller (contract attached)

BCS Business Director, Mrs. Tricia Lowery

BCS Special Education Supervisor, Mrs. Karin Falkenstein


Recommended Employee Title
Anna Smith Administrative Assistant to BHS Assist. Principal & Athletics
Cody Cauffman Operations Utility Staff
Mahlon Williams Transportation Director
Rita Seay Special Education Teacher (part-time)
Heather Bachman Casual Bus Driver


4. Coaching Recommendations for Winter 2020 submitted by Assistant Athletic Coordinator, Mr. Ryan Frontczak:


Coach Position Class/Level Step CAP
Derek Tefft 8th Grade Boys Basketball Coach 7 9 1,2,3,4,5,6
Devon Moore 7th Grade Boys Basketball Coach 7 1 none
Dan Reiter 8th Grade Girls Basketball Coach 7 1 none


ROLL CALL VOTE:  C. Lee, H. Burnett, R. Writer, D. Wentworth, J. DeVlaminck, K. Laesch, and S. Tobler


LETTER OF AGREEMENT – TRANSPORTATION MOTION by J. DeVlaminck, SECONDED by S. Tobler, the Buchanan Board of Education approves the Buchanan Community Schools Transportation Association Letter of Agreement regarding Appendix A – Wages.


ROLL CALL VOTE:  C. Lee, H. Burnett, R. Writer, D. Wentworth, J. DeVlaminck, K. Laesch, and S. Tobler


STUDENT HANDBOOK UPDATE MOTION by R. Writer, SECONDED by S. Tobler, the Buchanan Board of Education adopts the Buchanan High School’s handbook updates for the 2020-21 school year as presented.


ROLL CALL VOTE:  C. Lee, H. Burnett, R. Writer, D. Wentworth, J. DeVlaminck, K. Laesch, and S. Tobler


NEOLA SECOND READING MOTION by R. Writer, SECONDED by D. Wentworth, the Buchanan Board of Education approves the second reading of the following Neola – Volume 35, No. 1; revised and new policies:





Threatening Behavior Toward Staff Members


Removal, Suspension, Expulsion, and Permanent Exclusion of Students
5611 Due Process Rights
7440 Facility Security
8450.01 Protective Facial Coverings During Pandemic/Epidemic (New)


ROLL CALL VOTE:  C. Lee, H. Burnett, R. Writer, D. Wentworth, J. DeVlaminck, K. Laesch, and S. Tobler


EXTENDED COVID-19 LEARNING PLAN RECONFIRMATION MOTION by J. DeVlaminck, SECONDED by K. Laesch, the Buchanan Board of Education reconfirms the Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan for Buchanan Community Schools as presented by Buchanan administration.


This is a monthly resolution.


ROLL CALL VOTE:  C. Lee, H. Burnett, R. Writer, D. Wentworth, J. DeVlaminck, K. Laesch, and S. Tobler




Whereas the Open Meetings Act was recently amended to grant greater latitude with respect to electronic participation by members of the Board of Education and the public in certain circumstances; and


Whereas the Board of Education desires to utilize electronic participation, as necessary and in approved circumstances, in compliance with the law.




1.       The Board of Education authorizes the Superintendent to create procedures to accommodate electronic participation by Board members who are absent due to a medical condition or due to a statewide or local state of emergency declared pursuant to law or charter by the governor or local official or local governing body that would risk the personal health or safety of members of the public or the public body if the meeting were held in person. In the event of such an emergency, if the meeting location is usually held in an affected area the entire Board may participate electronically, otherwise, only members who reside in the affected area may participate electronically.

a.       For purposes of this paragraph, medical condition means illness, injury, disability, or other health-related condition.

b.      Electronically may include video and/or telephonic conferencing.


2.       The procedures must provide for:

a.       Two-way communication;

b.      For each member of the Board attending the meeting electronically, a public announcement at the outset of the meeting by that member, to be included in the meeting minutes, that the member is, in fact, attending the meeting electronically and, except for members who are participating electronically due to military duty, stating the county, city, township or village and state where the member is located.

c.       A means by which the public is provided notice of the absence of a member and information about how to contact the member sufficiently in advance of the meeting to provide input on any business that will come before the Board.


3.       Through December 31, 2020, the Board may hold its meetings electronically, in whole or in part, for any reason.


4.       The Board further authorizes, from January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021, electronic participation solely under the circumstances set out in paragraph 1, as well as the pre-existing law requiring accommodation due to military duty. After December 31, 2021, only members requiring accommodation due to absence for military duty may participate electronically.


5.       The Board authorizes the use of technology to facilitate typed public comments during the meeting that may be read to or shared with Board members and other participants in satisfaction of the requirement that members of the public be heard by others during the electronic meeting and the requirement that they be permitted to address the Board.


6.       Advance notice of any meetings held electronically, in whole or in part, shall be posted on the District’s website either on the homepage or on a separate web page dedicated to public notices for non-regularly scheduled or electronic public meetings through a prominent and conspicuous link on the homepage. This notice must be posted at least eighteen (18) hours before the meeting begins. Notice of a meeting held electronically must explain as follows:

a.       Why the Board is meeting electronically.

b.       How members of the public may participate in the meeting electronically, including provision of the specific telephone number, internet address, or both needed to participate.

c.       How members of the public may contact members of the Board to provide input or ask questions on any business that will come before the Board at the meeting.

d.       How persons with disabilities may participate in the meeting.


7.       If an agenda exists for an electronic meeting held under this resolution, the Board shall post the agenda on the website at least two (2) hours before the meeting begins. This does not prohibit subsequent amendment of the agenda at the meeting.


8.       Members of the public who are participating electronically or in person shall not be required to register, other than as required by the bylaws to participate in public comment.


9.       Members of the public will not be allowed to participate in any closed sessions during meetings held electronically, in whole or in part, and all prior laws and bylaws relating to closed sessions continue to apply.


NOW, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that execution of this Resolution is conclusive evidence of the Board of Education’s approval of this action and of the authority granted herein.


ROLL CALL VOTE:  C. Lee, H. Burnett, R. Writer, D. Wentworth, J. DeVlaminck, K. Laesch, and S. Tobler


INFORMATION/REPORTS & NEW BUSINESS Parent Advisory Committee – Mrs. Robinson spoke of relaunching the committee. She has sent letters out to past committee members thanking them for their service. Plans are in the works to send out a survey before Christmas break to reform the committee with the first meeting happening in January of 2021.


Communications Committee Meeting – Mr. DeVlaminck shared the many purposes of the committee and the goals.


Capital Planning Committee – Mr. Lee informed the board with meeting with SiteLogic. SiteLogic is a company that works with organizations to help lower costs for our facilities. They are doing an audit and will discuss their findings with BCS. The committee will bring the plan to the board if BCS wants to work with SiteLogic. Mr. Lee also informed the board of changing the name of the committee to the Facility Committee.

QUESTIONS & COMMENTS FROM BOARD MEMBERS Mrs. Laesch addressed the frequent communication coming from BCS regarding COVID cases is mandatory by law to inform the community. She also pointed those students who are needing school meals to reach out to the food service department.


Dr. Burnett added he is in the process of starting the holiday Shop with a Cop and providing holiday meals to families in need in our community. Cash donations are being taken at the Buchanan Police Department.

NEXT BOARD MEETING Virtual Meeting – Monday, December 14, @ 6pm