11-12-2019 Board of Education Special Meeting Minutes





CALL TO ORDER President: Dr. Harvey Burnett opened the meeting at 6:09 pm


PRESENT: C. Lee, D. Wentworth, K. Laesch, R. Writer, J. DeVlaminck, S. Tobler, and H. Burnett

ABSENT:   None.


  OTHERS PRESENT : Timothy Donahue




MOTION by R. Writer, SECONDED BY Member D. Wentworth the agenda for the Special Board

Meeting of November 12th, 2019 be adopted as written.


ROLL CALL VOTE:  C. Lee, D. Wentworth, K. Laesch, R. Writer, J. DeVlaminck, S. Tobler, and

H. Burnett









CLOSED SESSION – STUDENT DISCIPLINE HEARING MOTION BY Member D. Wentworth, SECONDED BY Member R. Writer, The Board of Education move into closed session for a hearings on student discipline, per board policy 0167.2, B. Time: 6:10pm.


ROLL CALL VOTE:  C. Lee, D. Wentworth, K. Laesch, R. Writer, J. DeVlaminck, S. Tobler, and

H. Burnett



RETURN TO OPEN SESSION MOTION BY Member R. Writer, SECONDED BY Member S. Tobler, The Board of Education returns to open session. Time 8:12pm.


ROLL CALL VOTE:  C. Lee, D. Wentworth, K. Laesch, R. Writer, J. DeVlaminck, S. Tobler, and

H. Burnett



STUDENT DISCIPLINE RESOLUTION MOTION BY H. Burnett, Seconded By K. Laesch, The Board of Education adopts the following resolution:


WHEREAS, the administration has presented to the Board of Education, a recommendation concerning the expulsion of a student who was in violation of Buchanan School Board Policy #5530 on Monday, November 4th, 2019; and


WHEREAS, the administration has notified the student and parent(s) involved of the accusations against the student, the recommendation of expulsion, and their rights to a hearing on this date;




The Buchanan Board of Education hereby chooses to expel Student #518858 from attendance in the Buchanan Community Schools effective immediately for the remainder of the first semester; at start of the second semester in January, 2020–if student is on track to complete first semester classes by end of first semester on January 24th, he can apply for reinstatement to take the first nine weeks of second semester courses online at home, and then he may return to HS to finish his online classes if necessary and attend auto shop classes only. 


1.     Upon completion of all required first semester graduation credits, student may apply for reinstatement to the high school program at the next scheduled Board of Education meeting;

2.     The student must have a substance abuse evaluation completed with an outside the school district professional (responsibility of parent/guardian) prior to re-admittance meeting with the Superintendent of the Buchanan Community Schools.


3.     Any further violation of Board Policy #5530 will result in automatic expulsion for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year.


Any recommendation will be reviewed by the Buchanan School Board before a decision to reinstate student #518858 will be made.


ROLL CALL VOTE:  C. Lee, K. Laesch, R. Writer, J. DeVlaminck, S. Tobler and H. Burnett

NAYS: D. Wentworth          MOTION  ADOPTED


STUDENT DISCIPLINE RESOLUTION Motion By H. Burnett, Seconded By R. Writer, The Board of Education adopts the following resolution:


WHEREAS, the administration has presented to the Board of Education, a recommendation concerning the expulsion of a student who was in violation of Buchanan School Board Policy #5530 on Monday, November 4th, 2019; and


WHEREAS, the administration has notified the student and parent(s) involved of the accusations against the student, the recommendation of expulsion, and their rights to a hearing on this date;




The Buchanan Board of Education hereby chooses to expel Student #601445 from attendance in the Buchanan Community Schools effective immediately for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year with the following conditions to be met for possible reinstatement to Buchanan High School in the second semester of the 2019-2020 school year:


1.     Through the remainder of the first semester of the 2019-2020 school year, student #601445 must successfully complete the current semester while attending BVA, the Step Up Program, or another alternative setting.


2.     The student must have a substance abuse evaluation completed with an outside the school district professional (responsibility of parent/guardian) prior to re-admittance meeting with the Superintendent of the Buchanan Community Schools.


3.     Upon the completion of the first two steps the student and parents/guardians must contact the Superintendent of Buchanan Community Schools to schedule a re-admittance hearing back into Buchanan Community Schools.


4.     Any recommendation will be reviewed by the Buchanan School Board before a decision to reinstate student #601445 will be made.


ROLL CALL VOTE:  C. Lee, K. Laesch, R. Writer, S. Tobler and H. Burnett

NAYS: D. Wentworth, J. DeVlaminck        MOTION  ADOPTED


STUDENT DISCIPLINE RESOLUTION Motion By H. Burnett, Seconded By S. Tobler, The Board of Education adopts the following resolution:


WHEREAS, the administration has presented to the Board of Education, a recommendation concerning the expulsion of a student who was in violation of Buchanan School Board Policy #5530 on Monday, November 4th, 2019; and


WHEREAS, the administration has notified the student and parent(s) involved of the accusations against the student, the recommendation of expulsion, and their rights to a hearing on this date;




The Buchanan Board of Education hereby chooses to expel Student #524364 from attendance in the Buchanan Community Schools effective immediately for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year with the following conditions to be met for possible reinstatement to Buchanan High School in the second semester of the 2019-2020 school year:


1.     Through the remainder of the first semester of the 2019-2020 school year, student #524364 must successfully complete the current semester while attending BVA, the Step Up Program, or another alternative setting.


2.     The student must have a substance abuse evaluation completed with an outside the school district professional (responsibility of parent/guardian) prior to re-admittance meeting with the Superintendent of the Buchanan Community Schools.


3.     Upon the completion of the first two steps the student and parents/guardians must contact the Superintendent of Buchanan Community Schools to schedule a re-admittance hearing back into Buchanan Community Schools.


4.     Any recommendation will be reviewed by the Buchanan School Board before a decision to reinstate student #524364 will be made.


ROLL CALL VOTE:  C. Lee, K. Laesch, R. Writer, S. Tobler, J. DeVlaminck and H. Burnett




STUDENT DISCIPLINE RESOLUTION MOTION BY H. Burnett, Seconded By S. Tobler, The Board of Education adopts the following resolution:


WHEREAS, the administration has presented to the Board of Education, a recommendation concerning the expulsion of a student who was in violation of Buchanan School Board Policy #5530 on Tuesday, November 5th, 2019; and


WHEREAS, the administration has notified the student and parent(s) involved of the accusations against the student, the recommendation of expulsion, and their rights to a hearing on this date;




The Buchanan Board of Education hereby chooses to expel Student #601263 from attendance in the Buchanan Community Schools effective immediately for the remainder of the first semester of the 2019-2020 school year with the following conditions to be met for possible reinstatement to Buchanan High School in the second semester of the 2019-2020 school year:


1.     Through the remainder of the first semester of the 2019-2020 school year, student #601263 must successfully complete the current semester while attending BVA, the Step Up Program, or another alternative setting.


  1. The student must have a substance abuse evaluation completed with an outside the school district professional (responsibility of parent/guardian) prior to re-admittance meeting with the Superintendent of the Buchanan Community Schools.


3.     Upon the completion of the first two steps the student and parents/guardians must contact the Superintendent of Buchanan Community Schools to schedule a re-admittance hearing back into Buchanan Community Schools.


4.     Any recommendation will be reviewed by the Buchanan School Board before a decision to reinstate student #601263 will be made.


ROLL CALL VOTE:  C. Lee, K. Laesch, R. Writer, J. DeVlaminck, S. Tobler and H. Burnett

NAYS: D. Wentworth          MOTION  ADOPTED


QUESTIONS & COMMENTS FROM BOARD MEMBERS –          Mr. Wentworth appreciates looking for creative ways to solve these issues.

–          Mrs. Laesch appreciates the parents coming in and to remain in contact with Mr. Pruett.


NEXT REGULAR BOARD MEETING Monday, November 18th, 6pm @ Buchanan High School


